Hillary Voters: Seven Ways to Cope With Her Loss, and Succeed in Donald Trump’s America

Are you a disgruntled Hillary Clinton voter? Are you convinced the end of the world is coming, and Donald Trump is the Russian spawn of Satan and Hitler? Are you hoping 37 electors will switch their votes in light of the recent “news” about Russian hacks (they won’t)? You’ve come to the right place. Here are seven ways to cope if you are a disgruntled Hillary Clinton voter:

1. Pick up a good book on economics, find a nice comfy couch, and then read it cover to cover.

I don’t mean to be insensitive, but this one will help you tolerate a Trump administration quite a bit. Everything you’ve heard from the left and the media about economics is wrong, and almost entirely made up. For example, “trickle-down economics” isn’t really a thing, it’s just a word Democrats and the media invented to get you to dismiss real economics. I recommend you start with Thomas Sowell’s Basic Economics. After you read this book, you’ll realize that almost all price fixing and market manipulation (tools of the Democrats) creates surpluses and shortages, and produces results that are exactly the opposite of what was intended. For example, a higher minimum wage actually raises unemployment among minorities and the poor. Similarly, keeping rents low for low income families hurts poor people the most by driving them out of out of cities through pricing and maintenance effects. This economic reality applies to pretty much everything: unemployment compensation, welfare, energy price fixing, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, interest rates, green energy investments, handouts etc. This explains why Socialist and Communist systems always eventually fail. See Venezuela and North Korea for current examples. If you don’t believe me, you have to read Basic Economics.

2. Stop watching CNN, MSNBC, NBC News, CBS News, ABC News, CNBC, The Daily Show, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Real Time with Bill Maher, The View, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee and many other liberal shows, and stop reading The New York Times, Huffington Post, Washington Post, Vox, Mashable, Vice, Daily Kos, FiveThirtyEight, Yahoo News, Facebook Trending, Apple News, Think Progress, Snopes.com (yup), Politico, Politifact, Slate, Wired, The Guardian, FactCheck.org, BuzzFeed, Mother Jones, The New Yorker, Newsweek (The Daily Beast), and The Atlantic.

Just do yourself a favor and stop reading and watching this crap right now. Admit it, it’s just making you angry. You’ve got enough real problems to worry about: rent or mortgage payments, other bills, your job, your relationships with family and friends, and your health. A Canadian, a Brit and a South African telling you every day why Donald Trump is going to destroy America isn’t fun, or healthy. Take a mental break from all the fake news while you’re at it. Oh yeah, and don’t bother using the “fact checking” sites anymore. They’re all fake too. Every publication and show listed above is part of a massive liberal echo chamber. Do yourself a favor and get the hell out before you lose your mind. While you’re at it, take a sledgehammer to your Facebook feed, Reddit and Twitter. They’ve become a cesspool of hyper-polarizing material. It’s like an echo chamber on steroids. I suggest “unfollowing” these and similar publications from all your feeds immediately whenever possible. While you’re at it, stop obsessing over Bill Nye the Science Guy and Neil deGrasse Tyson – they’re actually not that smart. If you’re bored, try reading generally unbiased publications like The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Daily Mail, Reuters and maybe The Economist. For TV, stick to non-political movies and harmless but excellent shows like Westworld, Modern Family, Silicon Valley, The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Family Guy (be careful here, Seth is an echo chamber loon), The Walking Dead, Shark Tank, The Real Housewives and sports programming. Shit, I don’t care if it’s anime, just change it. Upgrade your content, upgrade your life, calm your mind. You can thank me for this later.

3. Stop posting angry or lecturing messages on Facebook, Twitter and Reddit, and stop pretending you can stop Donald Trump.

You can’t. He’s going to be President. He might even do a really fucking good job. It’s not something you need to stress about right now. If he fails, or if he’s impeached, so be it. Let it happen. For now, focus on you. And for god’s sake, stop with the stupid #thisisnotnormal crap, and stop calling Republicans alt-right – it’s just a new fake word that basically means racist. Constantly posting angry or sad messages online isn’t good for your mental health. All it does is reinforce your anger and resentment. Channel your frustration into positive ambitions like exercise, community service, and spending more quality time with family. You deserve better than to be angry all the time. Oh, and your donation to Planned Parenthood or the A.C.L.U. or wherever isn’t going to do squat to stop Trump, it’s just going to line the pockets of the people who work at these organizations. Real truth hurts.

4. Stop pretending you’re going to run for political office, or start a revolution.

Just… stop.

5. Stop attacking, lecturing or shunning Trump supporters, especially family and friends.

Has this helped you at all? Have you “unfriended” Trump supporters online, or stopped talking to friends or family because they supported him? If so, you’re officially out of control. Get a grip on your situation, and take a long fucking breath. Maybe it’s time for a vacation. Pick up a book on meditation while you’re at it because at this point you’re only embarrassing yourself and hurting your relationships with others. If you lose enough friends and family over this, you’ll spiral into depression. It’s not worth it. Everything is going to be fine… you’re okay. They probably aren’t racist. Calm down.

6. Take a moment to actually talk to friends and family who supported Trump. Instead of arguing with them, actually listen to them.

Only if you can do this without resorting to lecturing or name calling, try having a real conversation with someone you know who is a Trump supporter. I guarantee it will make them feel great (right now everyone is treating them like a racist, sexist, xenophobic swamp creature), and if you really try to listen, you will feel better also. Do what CNN’s Van Jones did, sit down with some Trump voters, especially ones you respect (if you can find any), and ask them why they voted for Trump. If you can find a wealthy intelligent Trump supporter of any race (there are lots), bonus points. You also get bonus points for talking to poor and middle class white and minority Trump supporters – they will open your eyes. Most of these folks including the smart, well educated ones will tell you they’ve been dismissed, ridiculed, attacked and ignored for the last eight years and beyond. If you don’t like their answer, don’t get angry, just listen. If you don’t understand their answer, do some real research (but not on Snopes, Politifact, Politico, FactCheck.org or any of the other publications above – remember, these are not legitimate unbiased publications – stick to research journals and unbiased media) – you won’t regret it.

7. If you’re feeling confident in your progress, go back and look at what Donald Trump really said over the last year or so.

Only do this last step if you feel you’ve made progress with the items above. It may be hard to swallow this one, but you should do it as it might make you feel better about Trump’s inevitable Presidency in 2017 and beyond. You might not like him. You might even hate the guy, but at least try to understand him a bit better as he will be your President of the United States. Don’t listen to the media, read for yourself. Remember when Donald Trump bragged about sexual assault? Turns out he didn’t. He specifically said “they let you do it,” which means he was bragging about sexual encounters, not assault. He also happened to be doing this right before he was preparing for a TV role as an exploitative and desirable wealthy man for a daytime soap opera role… It doesn’t fit the media narrative, but it’s true. Context matters. Remember when Donald Trump said he wants to ban all Muslims? This is a false narrative. Turns out he didn’t. He said he wants to ban non-citizen, immigrant Muslims from entering the country until they can be properly vetted. He then immediately backtracked and said he wanted to ban immigrants from “certain countries” – big difference. Look it up. Remember when Donald Trump said he hated blacks? He didn’t. Remember when he said he hated women? He didn’t. Remember when he said, “blood coming out of her, wherever.” Could he have meant vagina? Yes. Did he? Who knows. Is it gross if he did? Yup. We don’t know what he meant because he didn’t say it. He claims he meant ears which would make sense considering he preceded it with eyes. Remember when he called Mexicans rapists? Nope, he said illegal Mexican immigrants crossing the border are rapists. This is a fact, even Huffington Post reported that 80% of women crossing the border are raped by other illegal immigrants and by coyotes (aka human traffickers). Did Trump say he’s going to deport illegal immigrants? Yes he did, but he can’t realistically deport them en masse and he knows that, even though the laws are already on the books. Illegal immigrants get deported – that’s the law – and it happens all the time. He also happens to agree that many Dreamers should be able to stay and/or come back with ease – albeit legally. Remember when he said he could “shoot someone?” He was joking. Remember when he said he would do more than waterboard? He backtracked from that. Lastly, remember when Donald Trump revealed he is working with Putin? He didn’t, he called him a great “leader” and offered some mild praise – plain and simple – is that so bad? Would it be the end of the world if we got along with Russia for once? Couldn’t one argue the end of the world could come a lot faster if we were not getting along with Russia? Maybe a Trump Presidency isn’t the end of the world… maybe it’s a glimmer of hope.

Regardless, give yourself a break. Relax. Take a nap and a shower. Breathe deeply and start each day with a smile. Stop being so angry all the time and try to enjoy yourself. The world is not ending – at least not yet. Hopefully this guide serves you well as we move into a new era of American history.


Why I’m Profoundly Disappointed in America

This article is a thought experiment and a challenge to Huffington Post, Daily Kos and other similar publications.

I’m profoundly disappointed in America.

I know this will upset some folks, but the truth is, the vast majority of Americans are racist and stupid. Unfortunately, with a population that’s 70 percent white, the rest of us are bound to their voting preferences. I don’t want to imagine what percentage consists of racist, stupid southerners, but I’m afraid the number is much larger than we all feared.

I consider myself to be a compassionate person. I feel compassion for Hispanics, blacks and others who struggle every day in this country, and I feel deep sympathy for anyone who suffers injustice at the hands of the oppressive. The poor are consistently overlooked in this country, and despite President Obama’s best efforts, inequality is still very real – perhaps worse than ever. At a time when we needed more compassion, more equality and more justice, we elected a racist, bigoted, xenophobic, homophobic, hate-monger as our next President of the United States. Not my president. This is not normal.

I am so disappointed in us an a nation.

How could a nation founded by immigrants vote for someone who wants to ban an entire religion from our country? How could a nation founded on liberty elect a president who constantly threatens to take it away? How could a nation that nominated a woman to be a major party’s nominee then go on to elect a sexist old white man instead?

Donald Trump admitted he was a sexual predator, on tape. Donald Trump is a liar, and a criminal ($25 million settlement anyone?). Donald Trump is a pervert, a Twitter troll, and a misogynist among many other gross things.

We screwed this up royally, and anyone who voted for Donald Trump should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.

We wanted a $15 minimum wage so everyone would have a living wage – instead we get massive tax cuts for the rich and for big corporations. We wanted equal pay for equal work, instead we told women to “shove it.” We wanted better housing for the poor, instead we get a president who was once sued for racial housing discrimination. We wanted a smart, experienced leader – instead we got a corrupt, ignorant businessman and a fraud who acts like a child. We wanted a stronger economy, instead we’re taking ten steps backward, and once again embracing the ridiculous idea of trickle-down economics. Newsflash, trickle-down doesn’t work. This time, it comes with a side of trickle-down racism too. We wanted more equality, instead we elected a president who wants to destroy LGBTQ rights and to deport millions of hard-working immigrants. We wanted more diversity, instead we elected another privileged white man. We wanted better health care, instead we elected someone who will dismantle it for millions. We wanted to stop Global Warming, instead we will accelerate it. We wanted black lives to matter, instead we voted for more racial profiling. We wanted to continue Obama’s legacy, instead we voted for someone who plans to eliminate everything he’s ever done.

Congratulations, America, you totally blew this one.

My proposal for the future. First, start with the recount. If that doesn’t work, impeach Donald Trump. Replace the electoral system with the popular vote immediately. At our next opportunity, elect a smart progressive president who actually has compassion for those Americans who are disadvantaged and mistreated. Elect someone like Bernie Sanders who understands we need big economic changes, while also protecting those rights and opportunities we’ve worked so hard to create. Get away from racism and hate. Get away from Republican ideas which threaten all facets of our society. Embrace equality and freedom for the poor and for minorities. Elect a woman as president, finally. And most of all, find a way to eliminate the hatred and sickness within our southern, white communities. I don’t know about you, but I refuse to be white-lashed again.

This is not normal, America.




Trump Protester: ‘People Have to Die for This’

Since we’ve been exceedingly accurate with our predictions so far we will make a few more here.

The election of Donald Trump has incited protests all over the nation. With it, we take one more step towards total economic collapse, and eventually a fascist military state.

The irony is, Donald Trump isn’t Hitler, his voters aren’t the Nazis, and liberals aren’t the Jews. Donald Trump is just another step towards a fascist military state, but he won’t be its ultimate leader.

President Reagan led to Clinton, which led to Bush. Bush’s failures led to Obama which morally devastated and economically decimated half the country for eight years. Obama’s unique brand of divisiveness and scapegoating led to Trump who offers an equivalently divisive message to the political left. With Trump inheriting an economic disaster in waiting, we can expect civil unrest, and then eventually economic collapse.

No, Trump won’t be Hitler, but his successor will be. His brand of divisiveness will lead to someone infinitely worse. An agent of change with more gravitas than Trump or Obama ever had. Someone who is unabashedly violent, even cruel. Someone young and passionate. Passionately liberal, passionately socialist, passionately anti-Trump, and passionately evil. We don’t know who this person is yet, but he or she will nearly destroy this nation along with the political left.

No, Trump supporters aren’t the Nazis… they are the Jews. They will be persecuted, beaten, and even murdered in droves all in the name of justice. Even non-violent liberals will let it happen, because they are furious and “scared.” The wealthy will be vilified and crucified along with the so-called racists. The wealthy are also the Jews.

Believe it or not, today’s Nazis are the political left. Those who even now are espousing violence against Trump supporters. Now. Today. Not tomorrow. Now.

Watch video of an anti-Trump protester in Los Angeles say people “need to die” for electing Donald Trump.

The end is near folks. Prepare yourselves accordingly. This is unavoidable. Anyone on the political right is in grave mortal danger.


Trump Wins!

In a truly stunning victory over Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump has secured the electoral votes needed to be our next President. In perhaps the greatest upset in modern political history, Donald Trump won by securing votes from millions of disaffected Americans all over the country. Defying literally every odd imaginable, the pollsters were wrong, the media was wrong, Nate Silver was wrong (again), and the entire country (or most of it) was wrong. It’s probably time for Obama, the Clintons, and all their media lapdogs to crawl under a rock for four years. It’s time for Amy Schumer, Miley Cyrus and Jon Stewart to leave the country, forever.

Donald Trump was right – again. Oh, and the team behind the USC/LA Times poll was spot on – again. Oh, and we were right. We said Trump would win back in February. We even wrote another piece explaining what would happen after he won back in May.

Not only did he win, but he won in a landslide victory.

This isn’t just a win for Donald Trump, it’s a win for putting an end to media bias, it’s a win for the forgotten, and it’s a win for truth over fiction. The American people have spoken, this election was a referendum on the last eight years of failure under Obama, and it’s time for real change. Drain the swamp!

End Obamacare! Lower taxes! End the corruption in Washington and in the media! Stop the bigotry and hate and divisiveness on the left! Bring back our jobs and secure our border! Donald will unite the country and keep us safe.

Let’s make America great again!

For your enjoyment, here is our projection of the final map for 2016:



One More Time – Get Out and Vote!

Update: We did it! Donald Trump is the President Elect!

Linking back to this great article on Election Day 2016:

If You Tell Me You Are Supporting Hillary, I Already Know Seven Things About You


Tim Kaine Offered VP Job in Exchange for Rigging Election?

The word is out. The latest Wikileaks emails reveal that Hillary selected Tim Kaine as her Vice President long before the primaries even began. Proof here.

With this, a picture begins to unfold. Did Hillary Clinton’s disgraced 2008 campaign co-chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz take over for Tim Kaine in exchange for a VP slot? Tim Kaine stepped down as the chair of the DNC and Obama named Wasserman as his replacement in 2011. The facts are starting to add up. What better way for Hillary to ensure a primary victory then by having her campaign co-chair as the new chairwoman of the DNC, especially after losing a nail-biter to Barack Obama? Big surprise (not), we’ve now learned that Debbie Wasserman Schultz rigged the election in favor of Hillary – forcing her to resign in shame. Bigger surprise (not), Wasserman’s replacement, Donna Brazile, was also just caught rigging the election in Hillary’s favor.

Considering Obama has since promoted Hillary as the best person for the job, it would be no surprise to hear he supported such a measure – making him a part of the scandal too. What kind of people are we putting into power these days?

Corruption on top of corruption. Donald Trump was right after all, this one reeks of ‘rigged.’


New Watchdog Group Monitors Media for Bias and Inaccuracy


Finally, a watchdog group known as EavesWatch has been formed to monitor the media for bias and inaccuracy. With all of the media corruption that has been exposed by WikiLeaks in recent days and weeks, a group like this is desperately needed. It’s sad to see once reputable publications like the New York Times degrade into basically another mouthpiece for the Democrat Party.

ew3With increased competition from highly biased online news publications and blogs, traditional newspapers and television networks have opted to go “all-in” on media bias. What once was a hidden agenda, not easily discernible to the average viewer or reader, is now in full blown propaganda mode.

The public has a responsibility to judge it’s media on accuracy and fairness, now so more than ever before.

Read more here.


Did a Federal Judge Help Hillary Hide Her Documents and Then Cover it Up?

This is getting messy, but let’s go down the rabbit hole for a second.

It started with a WikiLeaks email posted late last night which you can see right here:


Initially, the email seems innocuous enough. Richard Leon is a federal judge and a documented close friend and colleague of John Podesta’s. They go way, way back. Read here, second caption for proof of their close relationship. The email is a response to a forwarded message simply titled, “Thank you.” In his reply, Judge Leon says he’s “got it covered.” We obviously have no idea what “it” is, but it’s fair to speculate – why not? When digging deeper into their relationship, we see Judge Leon and John Podesta co-teach a congressional investigations class together at Georgetown Law, and they’ve done so for a remarkable 21 years. It’s no surprise these two are close. In fact, the only other released email between these two involves the class they teach together (view below or click here to read):



Podesta on the bottom right, Judge Leon on the bottom left

Now that we have some background, we can begin to speculate about what this email means. Most likely, John Podesta forwarded an email from a student to Judge Leon titled “Thank you,” perhaps thanking John or both of them for something they did for him or her. Maybe this student asked for a letter of recommendation or for a reference, and Judge Leon is offering to take care of it by saying he’s “got it covered.” Perhaps it’s something else entirely, but still innocuous.

However, as we dig deeper, we find some interesting details. Judge Leon has served as a judge for the District Court of DC since 2002 after he was nominated by none other than George W. Bush. Judge Leon was nominated by George Bush on September 10, 2001 (yes, one day before September 11). Since he was nominated by a Republican, it seems unlikely he would be in the tank for Hillary and Podesta – at least at first.

In reviewing the current judges in Washington, we see eleven non-senior District Judges – all of whom were nominated by Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. Judge Leon is the only non-senior judge who was appointed by a Republican. It’s also worth noting that the Chief Judge was also appointed by Obama. It’s safe to say Judge Leon’s peers are probably overwhelmingly liberal, and have been for some time – this could be an intimidating environment – group-think anyone?

As we go deeper, we see Judge Leon has had a bit of a tepid past. He’s been accused of corruption on more than one occasion, enough that some crazy internet guy created an entire website dedicated to detailing his supposed corruption here. Now, just because some folks say you’re corrupt doesn’t necessarily mean you are, of course, but often where there is smoke – there is fire.

Here’s where the situation gets creepy. Judge Leon was assigned to a case brought by the Associated Press against the State Department regarding the release of Hillary’s calendar and other information in March of last year. Just a few weeks after this email to John Podesta, Judge Leon started making a number of raucous claims to the media. His statements included, “I can’t send the marshals, obviously, out to bring in the documents, at least they wouldn’t know where to go, probably,” and, “I want to find out what’s been going on over there. I should say, what’s not been going on over there,” the judge added, “The State Department, for reasons known only to itself … has been, to say the least, recalcitrant in responding.” The judge even brought up, “a fine on a daily basis” or “incarceration,” as potential forms of punishment – none of which came to fruition, of course.

Apparently, Judge Leon was growing increasingly angry over multi-year long delays the State Department was making over the release of calendars and other information pertaining to Hillary Clinton and her aides – and he wanted everyone within earshot to know it.

The trick is, Judge Leon started making wild statements to the media as far back as July 20, 2015, and the State Department has still only released half of the documents requested in the AP case alone. And conveniently, they will only release the other half a few weeks after the election is over (Surprised? I’m not). Even less shockingly, the (probably tame) documents which were eventually released led to a significant scandal as the Associated Press reported over half the meetings Hillary conducted while at the State Department were held with donors to the Clinton Foundation – a blatant misuse of office, corruption at its worst, and clear evidence of pay for play. The AP stands by this story for good reason – they’ve been working on it for years, and it’s a good, important story.

To put the extent of this ongoing corruption into perspective, the State Department recently said it would take 75 years to release emails from Hillary’s aides… 75 yearsAlso, while Judge Leon continues to lambaste the State Department and set arbitrary deadlines for documents even to this day, the State Department continues to stonewall everyone with no legitimate repercussions whatsoever. Judge Leon even recently denied The Daily Caller’s request to depose State Department officials in an entirely separate lawsuit for documents regarding Hillary’s security training. A small set of documents was finally released a couple of weeks ago, showing Hillary did not have the proper training. The rest were supposed to be released on October 10th, but obviously the stonewalling continues.

I don’t know about you, but regardless of the story behind the WikiLeaks email here, something smells like really rotten, really stinky shit to me. Judge Leon’s over-zealous media statements are starting to smell like an aggressive cover-up. Considering the fraud and corruption evidently running rampant within the Hillary camp, I’d say Judge Leon’s very close relationship with Podesta has suddenly become a significant, bright and gleaming ruby red flag.

The end is near folks. Soon this will all be over. Stay tuned.


Trump Crushes Hillary in Second Debate

Other than a few liberal media holdouts, it’s nearly unanimous, Donald Trump annihilated Hillary Clinton in the second presidential debate. He started the evening with his tail between his legs over the video scandal, and he had to debate two biased moderators as well, yet somehow Trump was still able to deliver a crushing blow to Hillary Clinton.

The reason why is obvious. Trump had his swagger and his confidence, and more importantly, he had his facts. Trump came in guns blazing and kept Hillary on her heels all evening. When a vast majority of undecided voters find you disingenuous and tired in Frank Luntz’s audience poll – you’re in trouble.

The problem Hillary faces is much bigger than any video from Donald Trump’s past. Primarily, she looks like a tired, lying politician next to Donald. Meanwhile, he comes across as fiery, new, brash, and most importantly, honest. The electorate this year is looking for honesty, not fake, typical political spin. This represents a crisis for Hillary, as she is the prototypical insider, a master of spin, and a serial liar.

If nothing else, Donald’s performance in this debate solidifies he’s still in this thing for the long haul. Maybe it’s time we start calling him, “the indelible Donald Trump.” Don’t take our word for it, vote in our “junk poll” as the worst stats guy ever, Nate Silver, would say:


BREAKING: Video of Bill Clinton Groping Young Girl Uncovered

While the media is in a frenzy over Donald Trump saying inappropriate things about women, a new video was uncovered which shows former president Bill Clinton actually physically groping a young aid while aboard a flight.

In the video we clearly see the former President place his arm in between the young woman’s legs, and then rub his hand up and down before quickly removing it. It appears the President was at least initially unaware that ABC cameras were rolling at the time. He quickly removes his hand perhaps after he realizes the cameras are on, or perhaps after an awkward interaction with the young female assistant (she appears to cover her mouth out of embarrassment and shock).

The irony in all this is, of course, the media continues to attack Donald Trump for his remarks, but completely ignores the sexual abuse perpetrated by Bill Clinton and covered up by Hillary. It’s now well known Hillary has fought to destroy Bill’s accusers in order to hide accusations against her husband.

It’s odd our media chooses to focus on Donald Trump saying he grabs women “by the pussy,” meanwhile we have actual video of Bill Clinton grabbing a woman by the uh, well. See the video below:
