Why I’m Profoundly Disappointed in America

This article is a thought experiment and a challenge to Huffington Post, Daily Kos and other similar publications.

I’m profoundly disappointed in America.

I know this will upset some folks, but the truth is, the vast majority of Americans are racist and stupid. Unfortunately, with a population that’s 70 percent white, the rest of us are bound to their voting preferences. I don’t want to imagine what percentage consists of racist, stupid southerners, but I’m afraid the number is much larger than we all feared.

I consider myself to be a compassionate person. I feel compassion for Hispanics, blacks and others who struggle every day in this country, and I feel deep sympathy for anyone who suffers injustice at the hands of the oppressive. The poor are consistently overlooked in this country, and despite President Obama’s best efforts, inequality is still very real – perhaps worse than ever. At a time when we needed more compassion, more equality and more justice, we elected a racist, bigoted, xenophobic, homophobic, hate-monger as our next President of the United States. Not my president. This is not normal.

I am so disappointed in us an a nation.

How could a nation founded by immigrants vote for someone who wants to ban an entire religion from our country? How could a nation founded on liberty elect a president who constantly threatens to take it away? How could a nation that nominated a woman to be a major party’s nominee then go on to elect a sexist old white man instead?

Donald Trump admitted he was a sexual predator, on tape. Donald Trump is a liar, and a criminal ($25 million settlement anyone?). Donald Trump is a pervert, a Twitter troll, and a misogynist among many other gross things.

We screwed this up royally, and anyone who voted for Donald Trump should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.

We wanted a $15 minimum wage so everyone would have a living wage – instead we get massive tax cuts for the rich and for big corporations. We wanted equal pay for equal work, instead we told women to “shove it.” We wanted better housing for the poor, instead we get a president who was once sued for racial housing discrimination. We wanted a smart, experienced leader – instead we got a corrupt, ignorant businessman and a fraud who acts like a child. We wanted a stronger economy, instead we’re taking ten steps backward, and once again embracing the ridiculous idea of trickle-down economics. Newsflash, trickle-down doesn’t work. This time, it comes with a side of trickle-down racism too. We wanted more equality, instead we elected a president who wants to destroy LGBTQ rights and to deport millions of hard-working immigrants. We wanted more diversity, instead we elected another privileged white man. We wanted better health care, instead we elected someone who will dismantle it for millions. We wanted to stop Global Warming, instead we will accelerate it. We wanted black lives to matter, instead we voted for more racial profiling. We wanted to continue Obama’s legacy, instead we voted for someone who plans to eliminate everything he’s ever done.

Congratulations, America, you totally blew this one.

My proposal for the future. First, start with the recount. If that doesn’t work, impeach Donald Trump. Replace the electoral system with the popular vote immediately. At our next opportunity, elect a smart progressive president who actually has compassion for those Americans who are disadvantaged and mistreated. Elect someone like Bernie Sanders who understands we need big economic changes, while also protecting those rights and opportunities we’ve worked so hard to create. Get away from racism and hate. Get away from Republican ideas which threaten all facets of our society. Embrace equality and freedom for the poor and for minorities. Elect a woman as president, finally. And most of all, find a way to eliminate the hatred and sickness within our southern, white communities. I don’t know about you, but I refuse to be white-lashed again.

This is not normal, America.




One thought on “Why I’m Profoundly Disappointed in America

  1. Davie says:

    Sorry, but I read enough once I was half way through. People like myself and others who study the so called facts you described know that those are your opinion and not factual. Everything that you said about Trump can be broken down and either proven false or neutral. This is why so many people have turned their backs of this media service and many others, sure they follow these medias, only to take in what they want or to have talking points with their friends and peers. I would advice you to stop and try to see what the majority of America see”s and feel’s. Put yourself into their shoes. Try to debate these things from the other side and then once you start understanding why so many people sided with Trump, you will probably find yourself closer to the middle instead of so far left. I find when it comes down to everyone’s true views the majority of everyone are in the middle. I do not believe they are Democrats or Republicans. But are forced to take the side of the party would they align with the most. Have a good day.


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