If You Tell Me You Supported Hillary, I Already Know Seven Things About You


This article is being posted in response to a similar Daily Kos piece I read prior to the election attacking Donald Trump’s supporters. Considering the author thinks Donald Trump’s supporters are all racist, classless, misogynist, unethical, un-American and un-Christian, I’ll reserve the childish bigotry and pure hatred for those lesser publications. Since Trump’s election, we’ve heard the masses of liberals call Trump supporters these terms time and time again, and the mainstream media has gone on a non-stop “Fake-News” frenzy while accusing everyone else of being “Fake News.” Instead of participating in their crap, I’ll stick to the traits which I can pinpoint with some degree of accuracy, and avoid branding all of her supporters with such a broad brush.

For your enjoyment, here are the seven things I (probably) know about you based on your (now previous) support for Hillary Clinton (if you supported Hillary, go ahead and close your browser now – you definitely can’t handle reading this whole thing because you’re an ostrich and because she lost):

1. You don’t understand basic economics.

This one is perhaps the biggest giveaway, and I would venture to say a vast majority of Hillary’s supporters don’t have even a rudimentary knowledge of economics. For example, a higher minimum wage hurts the poor and raises unemployment, and higher taxes on corporations and on the rich (or anyone) hurts the economy and hurts the poor the most. Additionally, regulations stifle economic growth, and our debt is reaching unsustainable levels. We are also already in a depression which is being masked by low interest rates. We are one bad bank decision away from a global Great Depression that everyone will suffer from. Your excuse is to simply say “trickle-down economics doesn’t work,” but the sad truth is, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Trickle-down isn’t even a real policy, it’s a word Democrats made up. Oh, and by the way, if you’re an economist and you somehow don’t agree – you’re a Keynesian, and you’re about to lose your job. If you still don’t believe me, you’re probably a Hillary supporter, and you need to look these things up (use Google, or read any basic book on economics that wasn’t written by Karl Marx, try Thomas Sowell instead) – I won’t do your homework for you. Oh yeah, and despite all the media’s fear-mongering, the market is soaring after Donald Trump’s election – legitimate or not – you have to pay attention. If Hillary’s supporters knew anything about basic economics, they wouldn’t be Hillary supporters – period.

2. You are an insider, a statist, a corporatist, a fascist, a socialist, a corrupt financier, a communist, or just creepy.

At least to some degree, you have to be one of the above to support Hillary Clinton. It’s highly unlikely you could be anything else. Considering Hillary herself fits the bill on most of these titles, I would say it’s hard to imagine someone supporting her who doesn’t as well. Even her rival in the primary was a self-proclaimed, devout socialist. WikiLeaks has proven Hillary to be a massively corrupt liar who apparently associates with child molesters (at least we know of one for sure, Anthony Weiner) and people who perform disgusting rituals that I can’t even print here. Don’t believe me? That’s because CNN didn’t report it. Search Google for “spirit cooking” right now, and then ask yourself if this is normal. If you’re not creepy (and I don’t mean just sui generis), then you’re one of the other things in this list – I don’t know which is worse honestly.

3. You have trouble seeing the forest for the trees.

You see the words “higher minimum wage,” and you get excited without doing the research into the ramifications. Same goes for “free universal healthcare,” “free tuition,” and “higher taxes on the rich and big business.” You are unable to objectively analyze consequences of actions, and instead prefer to support what “looks good,” or “feels right” with no real thought process behind it. This makes you an ignorant do-gooder who contributes to the decline of our society. You also cannot see how biased the media is, because you are unable to discern truth from fiction. You can only absorb small bits of information at any one time, and your solution to the complexity of the world is to bury your head in the proverbial sand. You don’t see the corruption in the DOJ. You don’t see the corruption in the intelligence community. You don’t see the corruption in the White House. You don’t see the corruption with Hillary, Bill, and the Clinton Foundation.

4. You are a bigot, you just don’t know it yet.

Now that Trump has won, you’re calling everyone associated with him a racist. You know it – don’t hide it. You’ve slandered people on the right, and you’ve oppressed people who did not agree with you. You’ve dehumanized friends, family members and even colleagues by calling them racists, misogynists, homophobes, idiots, nazis and xenophobes. You did this, you know you did this, and you know it’s bigotry, you just won’t admit it yet. In fact, you will comment on this article by calling me an idiot, or a moron, or something similar – but you’ll provide exactly zero evidence to contradict anything contained herein. Meanwhile, you’re totally clueless about the bigoted, racist emails from Hillary’s camp in the WikiLeaks releases. Apparently they hate Latinos, blacks, Catholics, evangelicals, southerners, young people, and of course, Trump supporters. You think Donald Trump and his supporters are all these terrible things, but you’re a hypocrite, and so is Hillary. You call Donald a misogynist even though Hillary attacked, silenced and ridiculed her husband’s rape-victims, and even though she takes millions of dollars from men who abuse and murder women in the middle east, and even though Hillary defended a child rapist and laughed about it when she was an attorney. You call him a racist even though Hillary says we need to “bring blacks to heel.” You call him a xenophobe and a nazi even though more Americans in Israel voted for Trump than Hillary. You call him a homophobe even though Trump wants to stop Islamic extremists from murdering members of the LGBTQ community, and even though he supports gay marriage, unlike Hillary. You call him corrupt when Hillary is easily the most corrupt person to ever run for President of the United States. You call him a liar while Trump represents the first bastion of truth we’ve had in American politics in decades. You say his university is a fraud, while tens of thousands of students claim they “loved it” and only a couple who disliked it were touted by a partisan law firm with ties to Hillary. You say he’s had bankruptcies, meanwhile he has run numerous successful businesses, and bankruptcies do happen in business – Trump’s failures are spectacularly rare. You don’t know this, because you are an employee, not a business owner. Meanwhile, Hillary ran only one business, Whitewater Development Corporation. It was a complete fraud and a huge scandal, went bankrupt and brought down a bank with it. Hillary and Bill were investigated and many people were convicted of a deluge of crimes. Oh yeah, and she got away with insider trading, and possibly even murder – yup, the m-word, and she’s running for president. Being a bigot should be the least of your concerns.

5. You think blacks and Hispanics are inferior, and you support mass genocide.

Essentially, you’re the real racists, and you’re only one small step away from overtly supporting mass oppression and mass genocide. You dehumanize blacks and Hispanics, and assume they would be helpless without you. You call them things like “super-predators” behind closed doors (Hillary actually did this before she said we need to “bring them to heel”), but pretend to champion their causes at all other times. Meanwhile, you only care about your own image, and care little if anything for the minorities you indirectly denigrate. Democrats of old passed laws to designate blacks as “not-human,” while democrats of today pass laws to designate the unborn as “not-human.” By supporting Hillary you directly or indirectly support partial-birth late-term abortion (aka forcefully removing a viable baby and then murdering it out of the womb). You already support mass genocide and mass oppression, you just don’t know it yet. If you’re black, then you don’t know that blacks are significantly worse off under Barack Obama – and that Hillary’s campaign staff “joked” about smoking crack cocaine in order to research a speech for black people at the NAACP. If you’re Hispanic, you obviously don’t know Hillary’s campaign considers you to be “mindlessly loyal consumers” and “needy latinos.”

6. You are woefully ignorant of how business and taxes work.

It’s easy to get you riled up about Trump’s taxes, because you don’t know anything about taxes. You think when the government sends you a refund check it’s a gift from the Feds. You’re also completely ignorant about business, how it works, why it exists, and what it has done for our society. You are business illiterate, and you probably have a degree in communications, anthropology, sociology, or some other obscure liberal art (and you never branched out). You’re not upset about the fraud at Hillary’s foundation because CNN didn’t report it. Regardless, you don’t even know the difference between a charity and a for-profit business. You have no idea what “profit” even means.

7. You think the media is unbiased (except Fox News), and you think academics know everything.

Your ignorance of the bias which exists in the media and within academia is stunning. You think journalists and academics are inviolable, and you practically salivate when you read/watch a piece or read a study which you already agree with. You are very susceptible to the halo effect, and you value credentials over results. You have very little ability to think critically or rationally, and your success in life and in your career have suffered as a result of your poor judgement. You are voting for Hillary or you voted for her already without reading a single release from WikiLeaks. You don’t know that CNN is a fraudulent news organization, working hand-in-hand with the DNC and Hillary (the proof is in the WikiLeaks you didn’t read). You are brilliantly ignorant, and supremely egotistical with nothing to show for it. You are what I like to call, an intellectual with no judgement, or a thinker with no mind. You are sad and angry about this, because your lack of understanding of the world and how it works leaves you feeling frustrated and depressed. As a result, you attack and demoralize others who do not agree with your simplistic, naive ideals.

If you tell me you supported Hillary Clinton, I probably already know everything about you.

Oh, and Donald Trump won the election… get over it.

And good day, sir.


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Is Hillary Clinton Planning to Murder Julian Assange After Bombshell Announcement Tonight?

It’s in the news. Tonight at 3am ET (otherwise known as tomorrow morning), Julian Assange will be releasing a litany of damning evidence against Hillary Clinton – potentially destroying her campaign in the process. Earlier in the year, Assange was responsible for releasing the emails which devastated the DNC, and led to the ouster of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Hillary’s impending implosion as a viable candidate should come as no surprise. Anyone as corrupt as her eventually gets caught red-handed – it’s a mathematical certainty. It is likely these documents will be the big “October surprise” Republicans have been waiting for. That said, the bigger question is, what will the ramifications for Julian Assange be?

Hillary already threatened to murder Mr. Assange using drone strikes back in 2010 – obviously aware of the threat he posed to her political future even back then. It’s also becoming increasingly obvious that Clinton, or at least someone supporting Clinton, murdered supposed DNC leaker Seth Rich back in July. The DNC staffer was shot and killed in cold blood, and all of his possessions including his wallet, credit cards and cellphone were left with him. This is a real life house of cards people. It’s highly likely we have a major political candidate running for office who has aggressively and blatantly murdered young, innocent people who have opposed her in one form or another, perhaps going back decades.

Instead of asking whether or not Assange’s leak will be detrimental to Hillary – that much is obvious – we should be asking how much longer Assange will remain alive and well in this sick world we now live in. It was just announced that WikiLeaks will be moving the announcement to Berlin due to “specific threats.” How much more evidence do we need before we start to see the forest for the trees?

I, for one, profoundly hope we don’t elect a serial killer to the office of President.
